In file ..\..\src\Pegasus\Common\CIMMethod.h:


Class CIMMethod - This class defines the operations associated with manipulation of the Pegasus implementation of the CIM CIMMethod.


Class CIMMethod - This class defines the operations associated with manipulation of the Pegasus implementation of the CIM CIMMethod. Within this class, methods are provides for creation, deletion, and manipulation of method declarations.

// ATTN: remove the classOrigin and propagated parameters.


Public Methods

[more] CIMMethod ()
Creates and instantiates a CIM method.
[more] CIMMethod (const CIMMethod& x)
Creates and instantiates a CIM method from another method instance
[more]CIMMethod& operator= (const CIMMethod& x)
Assignment operator
[more] CIMMethod ( const String& name, CIMType type, const String& classOrigin = String(), Boolean propagated = false)
Creates a CIM method with the specified name, type, and classOrigin
[more] ~CIMMethod ()
[more]const String& getName () const
getName - Gets the name of the method
[more]void setName (const String& name)
setName - Set the method name
[more]CIMType getType () const
getType - gets the method type
[more]void setType (CIMType type)
setType - Sets the method type to the specified CIM method type as defined in CIMType /Ref{TYPE}
[more]const String& getClassOrigin () const
getClassOrigin - Returns the class in which this method was defined.
[more]void setClassOrigin (const String& classOrigin)
setClassOrigin - ATTN:
[more]Boolean getPropagated () const
getPropagated - Tests the propogated qualifier
[more]void setPropagated (Boolean propagated)
setPropagated - Sets the Propagaged Qualifier
[more]CIMMethod& addQualifier (const CIMQualifier& x)
addQualifier - Adds a Qualifier to the method object.
[more]Uint32 findQualifier (const String& name)
findQualifier - returns the position of the qualifier with the given name.
[more]Boolean existsQualifier (const String& name)
existsQualifier - returns the position of the qualifier with the given name.
[more]CIMQualifier getQualifier (Uint32 pos)
getQualifier - Gets the CIMQualifier defined by the index input as a parameter.
[more]void removeQualifier (Uint32 pos)
removeQualifier - Removes the CIMQualifier defined by the position input as a parameter.
[more]Uint32 getQualifierCount () const
getQualifierCount - Returns the number of Qualifiers attached to this CIMmethod object.
[more]CIMMethod& addParameter (const CIMParameter& x)
addParameter - Adds the parameter defined by the input to the CIMMethod
[more]Uint32 findParameter (const String& name)
findParameter - Finds the parameter whose name is given by the name parameter.
[more]CIMParameter getParameter (Uint32 pos)
getParameter - ATTN:
[more]CIMConstParameter getParameter (Uint32 pos) const
getParameter - Gets the parameter defined by the index input as a parameter.
[more]Uint32 getParameterCount () const
getParameterCount - Gets the count of the numbeer of Parameters attached to the CIMMethod.
[more]void resolve ( DeclContext* declContext, const String& nameSpace, const CIMConstMethod& method)
resolve - resolves and completes the CIMMethod
[more]void resolve ( DeclContext* declContext, const String& nameSpace)
resolve - Resolves and completes the CIMMethod
[more] operator int () const
Returns zero if CIMMethod refers to a null pointer
[more]void toXml (Array<Sint8>& out) const
toXML - puts XML encoding of this CIMMethod object into out arguemnt.
[more]void print (PEGASUS_STD(ostream) &o=PEGASUS_STD(cout)) const
print - formats and prints this CIMmethod (in CIM XML encoded form).
[more]void toMof (Array<Sint8>& out) const
toMof - puts MOF encoding of this object into out arguemnt.
[more]Boolean identical (const CIMConstMethod& x) const
identical - Returns true if this method is identical to the one given by the argument x
[more]CIMMethod clone () const
CIMMethod clone - makes a distinct replica of this method

o CIMMethod()
Creates and instantiates a CIM method.

o CIMMethod(const CIMMethod& x)
Creates and instantiates a CIM method from another method instance
pointer to the new method instance

oCIMMethod& operator=(const CIMMethod& x)
Assignment operator

o CIMMethod( const String& name, CIMType type, const String& classOrigin = String(), Boolean propagated = false)
Creates a CIM method with the specified name, type, and classOrigin
name - for the method
type - ATTN
classOrigin -
propagated -
Throws IllegalName if name argument not legal CIM identifier.

o ~CIMMethod()

oconst String& getName() const
getName - Gets the name of the method
String with the name of the method

ovoid setName(const String& name)
setName - Set the method name
IllegalName if name argument not legal CIM identifier.
name -

oCIMType getType() const
getType - gets the method type
The CIM method type for this method.

ovoid setType(CIMType type)
setType - Sets the method type to the specified CIM method type as defined in CIMType /Ref{TYPE}

oconst String& getClassOrigin() const
getClassOrigin - Returns the class in which this method was defined.

ovoid setClassOrigin(const String& classOrigin)
setClassOrigin - ATTN:

oBoolean getPropagated() const
getPropagated - Tests the propogated qualifier
- returns True if method is propogated

ovoid setPropagated(Boolean propagated)
setPropagated - Sets the Propagaged Qualifier

oCIMMethod& addQualifier(const CIMQualifier& x)
addQualifier - Adds a Qualifier to the method object.
AlreadyExists exception
- CIMQualifier to be added
Throws AlreadyExists excetpion if the qualifier already exists in the method

oUint32 findQualifier(const String& name)
findQualifier - returns the position of the qualifier with the given name.
name - Name of qualifier to be found.
index of the parameter if found; otherwise PEG_NOT_FOUND.

oBoolean existsQualifier(const String& name)
existsQualifier - returns the position of the qualifier with the given name.
name - Name of qualifier to be found.
index of the parameter if found; otherwise PEG_NOT_FOUND.

oCIMQualifier getQualifier(Uint32 pos)
getQualifier - Gets the CIMQualifier defined by the index input as a parameter.
OutOfBounds exception if the index is outside the range of parameters available from the CIMMethod.
Index - of the qualifier requested.
CIMQualifier object or exception

ovoid removeQualifier(Uint32 pos)
removeQualifier - Removes the CIMQualifier defined by the position input as a parameter.
OutOfBounds exception if the index is outside the range of parameters available from the CIMMethod.
Position - of the qualifier requested.
CIMQualifier object or exception

oUint32 getQualifierCount() const
getQualifierCount - Returns the number of Qualifiers attached to this CIMmethod object.
integer representing number of Qualifiers.

oCIMMethod& addParameter(const CIMParameter& x)
addParameter - Adds the parameter defined by the input to the CIMMethod

oUint32 findParameter(const String& name)
findParameter - Finds the parameter whose name is given by the name parameter.
name - Name of parameter to be found.
index of the parameter if found; otherwise PEG_NOT_FOUND.

oCIMParameter getParameter(Uint32 pos)
getParameter - ATTN:

oCIMConstParameter getParameter(Uint32 pos) const
getParameter - Gets the parameter defined by the index input as a parameter.
index - for the parameter to be returned.
CIMParameter requested. @Exception OutOfBounds exception is thrown if the index is outside the range of available parameters

oUint32 getParameterCount() const
getParameterCount - Gets the count of the numbeer of Parameters attached to the CIMMethod. @retrun - count of the number of parameters attached to the CIMMethod.

ovoid resolve( DeclContext* declContext, const String& nameSpace, const CIMConstMethod& method)
resolve - resolves and completes the CIMMethod

ovoid resolve( DeclContext* declContext, const String& nameSpace)
resolve - Resolves and completes the CIMMethod

o operator int() const
Returns zero if CIMMethod refers to a null pointer

ovoid toXml(Array<Sint8>& out) const
toXML - puts XML encoding of this CIMMethod object into out arguemnt.

ovoid print(PEGASUS_STD(ostream) &o=PEGASUS_STD(cout)) const
print - formats and prints this CIMmethod (in CIM XML encoded form).

ovoid toMof(Array<Sint8>& out) const
toMof - puts MOF encoding of this object into out arguemnt.

oBoolean identical(const CIMConstMethod& x) const
identical - Returns true if this method is identical to the one given by the argument x

oCIMMethod clone() const
CIMMethod clone - makes a distinct replica of this method

This class has no child classes.
class CIMConstMethod
class CIMClassRep

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java