PEP #: 07
 TITLE: Useability changes to MOF Compiler
 Version :  2.1
 Authors: Chuck Carmack (
 State:  Withdrawn
 Approvals Required: Architecture Board or Steering Committee
 Type: design
 Created: Feb. 04, 2003
 Version History:
Version Date Author Change Description
1.0 16 January 2003  Chuck Carmack Initial Submission
 2.0  04 February 2003 Chuck Carmack Removed text that is now in PEP10.
10 July 2003
Diane Olson
Clean up comments, withdraw the PEP.

 Abstract: This PEP proposes two changes to the MOF compiler to improve its useability.  These updates have been implemented for the OS/400 platform only.

 (chuck_carmack) I would like to add a quiet option to other CLIs (at least for OS/400), especially cimprovider, which can be called during install/uninstall of fix packs.


Quiet Option

Currently, there is no 'quiet' option to block messages being sent from the MOF compiler.  A new option is proposed to block the messages on OS/400.  This can be used by code that runs during the installation of Pegasus or during installation of fix packs on OS/400.
The option would block all messages to both stderr and stdout.  Scripts using the MOF Compiler will still be able to check the return code from the compiler.  When the option is not specified then the default behaviour would be 'verbose', ie. to send messages to both stderr and stdout.
 The option can be specified using -q (quiet) and is available for OS/400 as of this update.

 Progress and Completion Messages

There should be a completion message when the compile is done.  There should also be progress messages -- perhaps a message for each mof that is processed. For example, when compiling the CIM 2.7 schema, it takes about a minute, and there are no messages.  It is  not clear whether it worked or not.
The option can be specified using -v (verbose) which outputs both progress messages and a completion message.

Note:  the verbose option has not been implemented as of this update.