PEP #: 51

TITLE: Configuration Property Cleanup

Version: 1.1

Authors: Roger Kumpf

State: Accepted

Approvals Required: Architecture Team

Type: Design

Created: 3/14/03

Version History:

1.03/14/03Roger KumpfInitial proposal
1.13/25/03Roger KumpfUpdated status

Abstract: The Pegasus configuration manager includes definitions for configuration properties that are redundant and unimplemented. This PEP proposes to remove these unnecessary configuration properties.


The "SSL" configuration property overlaps with the "enableHttpConnection" and "enableHttpsConnection" properties. The current behavior if SSL=true is as though enableHttpConnection=false and enableHttpsConnection=true, regardless of the settings of these two connection properties. This redundancy and contradiction may lead to user confusion.

In addition, a number of configuration properties are not currently implemented and there does not appear to be a need for them. Specifically, these are the "trace", "logtrace", "cleanlogs", and "consumerDir" properties.


This PEP proposes to remove the following configuration properties from Pegasus:


PEP Submitted3/14/033/14/03
PEP Reviewed3/21/033/21/03
PEP Approved3/25/033/25/03
Code Committed3/31/033/25/03