Class Definitions

o CIMClass
The CIMClass class is used to represent CIM classes in Pegasus.
o CIMConstClass
CIMConstClass - ATTN: define this.
o CIMDateTime
The CIMDateTime class represents the CIM datetime data type as a C++ class CIMDateTime.
o CIMQualifierDecl
Class CIMQualifierDecl NOTE: Clarify difference between qualifier and qualiferdeclaration ATTN: Important work required here
o String
The Pegasus String C++ Class implements the CIM string type.
o operator==
String operator ==.
o operator==
String operator ==.
o operator==
String operator ==.
o operator!=
String operator ==.
o operator+
overload operator + - Concatenates String objects.
o operator<
overload operator < - Compares String obects.
o operator<=
overload operator <= compares String objects.
o operator>
Overload operator > compares String objects
o operator>=
overload operator >= - Compares String objects
o ToLower
Return a version of this string whose characters have been shifted to lower case
o CompareNoCase
Compare two strings but ignore any case differences
o GetLine
Get the next line from the input file
o CIMType
The CIMType Class defines the CIMType enumeration which introduces symbolic constants for the CIM data types.
o CIMInstance
Class CIMInstance - The CIMInstance class represents the instance of a CIM class in Pegasus.
o CIMValue
The CIMValue class represents a value of any of the CIM data types (see CIMTypeh for a list of valid CIM data types).
o CIMProperty
CIMProperty Class - This C++ class implements the CIM Property Object.
o CIMScope
o KeyBinding
The KeyBinding class associates a key name, value, and type.
o CIMReference
The CIMReference class represents the value of a reference.
o CIMQualifier
Class CIMQualifier - This class defines the Pegasus implementation of the CIM CIMQualifier QUALIFIER
o CIMMethod
Class CIMMethod - This class defines the operations associated with manipulation of the Pegasus implementation of the CIM CIMMethod.
o CIMFlavor
CIMQualifier flavor constants
o FlavorToMof
FlavorToMof - Converts the flavor attributes of a qualifier to CIM MOF keywords separated by spaces and returns them as a String.
o FlavorToXml
FlavorToXML - converts the flavor attributes of a qualifier to cimxml format and puts them into the variable out.
o Char16
The Char16 class represents a CIM sixteen bit character (char16).
o DeclContext
This class is used internally as a source of CIM declarations.
o Stack
The Stack class provides a simple stack implementation.
o Stopwatch
Stopwatch - A class for measuring elapsed time Stopwatch is a class for measuring time intervals within the environment.
o TimeValue
The TimeValue class represents time expressed in seconds plus microseconds

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes